Hypoallergenic Formula
On the market nowadays, there is a wide selection of hypoallergenic formulations from which to pick. Each formula features its one-of-a-kind nutritional profile for your infant’s health and development. Our HA Baby formulas are specially tailored to the special nutritional needs of babies at risk of allergies.
HiPP PRE HA-Combiotic – Hypoallergenic Infant Formula
$63.17 / kg
HiPP 1 HA-Combiotic – Hypoallergenic Infant Formula
$63.17 / kg
HiPP 2 HA-Combiotic – Hypoallergenic Follow-on Formula
$63.17 / kg
6x 200 ml HiPP PRE HA-Combiotic Ready to Feed
$38.25 / l
24x 90 ml HiPP 1 HA-Combiotic Ready to Feed
$41.62 / l
24x 90 ml HiPP PRE HA-Combiotic Ready to Feed
$36.99 / l
HiPP Dutch 1 HA-Combiotic – Hypoallergenic Infant Formula
$76.13 / kg
HiPP Dutch 2 HA-Combiotic – Hypoallergenic Follow-On Formula
$76.13 / kg
What is Hypoallergenic Formula?
Manufacturers developed hypoallergenic baby formula specifically for infants with dietary intolerances or allergies to the proteins contained in cow’s milk. One of the most frequent types of food allergies is sensitivity to the protein found in cow’s milk.
Even though many hypoallergenic baby formulae still contain cow’s milk, they are not the same as lactose-free baby formula since the proteins in these formulas have been hydrolyzed to a far greater extent. The proteins found in cow’s milk are pre-digested through this procedure, and the resulting minute protein particles reduce the likelihood that these proteins will cause allergic reactions.
Some infants may nevertheless have an adverse reaction to hypoallergenic baby formula, despite the fact that it was developed specifically for use with infants who suffer from allergies. In such situations, parents and other caregivers are encouraged to consult with their infant’s primary care physician to obtain additional health information and locate an appropriate alternative.
Babies who are allergic to cow’s milk can be breastfed instead. However, moms must eliminate dairy and soy from their diet since babies may respond to allergy-causing proteins that find their way into the mother’s breast milk.
What Are the Types of European Hypoallergenic Formula?
There are three varieties of baby formulas that are hypoallergenic: formulas that are partially hydrolyzed, formulas that are extensively hydrolyzed, and formulas that are based on amino acids. These are separated into different categories based on the methods used to process the proteins, and all of them offer babies a balanced diet.
Partially hydrolyzed
The proteins in a partially hydrolyzed formula are indeed partially broken down into their constituent parts. Because these infant formulas are not considered completely hypoallergenic, they are not used for infants with an allergy to milk proteins. Even infants are susceptible to having an adverse reaction to protein molecules of this size.
Extensively hydrolyzed
The formula that has been severely hydrolyzed comprises protein that has been substantially broken down and, as a result, is of an incredibly minute size. Because the milk protein fragments are so small, this infant formula does not often cause adverse reactions in infants. Tolerating heavily hydrolyzed formulae is possible for approximately 90 percent of infants allergic to cow’s milk.
Amino acid-based
Formulae based on amino acids, often referred to as elemental formulas, do not include large or tiny protein molecules. In its place, the proteins are disassembled into their parts, which are referred to as amino acids. These formulas, which are utilized for the approximately 10% of infants who cannot handle extensively hydrolyzed formulas, are regarded as being 100% non-allergenic and are employed in their place.
How Can You Differentiate Food Allergy and Food Intolerance?
An overactive immune response is what causes allergic reactions. It happens when your baby’s immune system attacks a food because it mistakenly believes the food to be an enemy.
The immune system produces histamine as part of its effort to protect the body against potential threats. This chemical is responsible for many symptoms, including hives, itching, and pain in the digestive tract. When the allergic reaction to food is strong, it can impact many different sections of the body and even put a person’s life in danger.
There are just six foods or food categories that are responsible for ninety percent of all food allergies in children. These six foods or food groups include milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, soy formula, and wheat. Because of this, it is essential to be aware of the sustainability formula used and the substance mixed in the food substitute or milk your child consumes.
An intolerance develops when the body does not produce enough of one or more digestive enzymes required to break down a certain food properly. As a result, your baby’s digestive tract may get irritated, resulting in diarrhea, gas, and bloating symptoms.
If your child develops an allergy or lactose intolerance, you should ensure that you have a supply of foods that are high in healthy fats for toddlers, an alternative to cow’s milk for infants, or a gentle formula on hand. Intolerance to food does not threaten a person’s life, but it can cause dehydration and possibly stunt growth if it is severe enough.
How do I know my baby is allergic?
We know how hard it is when parents have to watch their babies suffer from acid reflux, painful bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, an irregular stool or rashes. Possible intolerances of your baby to milk, eggs, nuts, corn or wheat can have a big effect on your baby’s digestion and should be discussed with a doctor or a pediatrician to find out the causes. Approximately 15% of babies are intolerant to cow milk protein and around 8 % have allergies. An allergy is different than an intolerance, which is why it is very important to speak with a pediatrician before you change your baby’s diet. Also, an intolerance in smaller degrees can occur, where the infant tolerates milk protein in smaller amounts or it can occur only temporarily. In these cases, a sensitive formula with combiotic or a goat formula can be suitable for your baby.
When Should Your Baby Use Hypoallergenic Formula?
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests giving hypoallergenic formulas to infants with obvious medical symptoms who would benefit from consuming a specialty formula.
In addition, a hypoallergenic formulation might be recommended if there is a significant history of allergic reactions to food or the environment in the family. A child’s likelihood of developing a food allergy in their first year of life increases to roughly 10% if one of their parents has allergies and 20% if both parents have allergies.
Knowing the typical symptoms linked with an allergy to cow’s milk is crucial to know when to start making modifications to alleviate any discomfort you may be experiencing.
Babies who have significant reactions to the proteins in food or milk will show a few or all of the symptoms listed:
You’ll probably see many moms and caregivers walking about with a burp cloth slung over one shoulder. This is due to the condition known as reflux, affecting most infants. Even though regurgitating food is entirely natural, it is not typical to have more severe reflux symptoms.
The following are some of the symptoms of severe reflux:
- Expelling a significant quantity of liquid
- Choking or gagging
- sloping in the opposite direction of the breast or the bottle
- Having a difficult time controlling their temper during feedings
- Poor weight gain
These symptoms could indicate an allergy to the protein found in milk.
After eating, it is normal for a person to throw up their food every once in a while. On the other hand, vomiting, a more violent projection of stomach fluids, may indicate that your kid has an allergy or an intolerance to something. You must consult a healthcare practitioner to rule out the possibility of something more serious.
Additionally, to assist avoid further medical concerns, it is essential to have a working knowledge of the indicators of dehydration. Dry lips, unusual fussiness, and a weak or limp appearance can all be signs of dehydration in a baby. Other symptoms of dehydration include less than four wet diapers per day, fewer than four tears produced when the baby cries, and fewer than four diaper changes per day.
If your infant develops diarrhea, it’s possible they suffer from a food allergy or intolerance and may need to switch to a hypoallergenic formula.
In contrast, differentiating diarrheal stools from those of a healthy newborn can be difficult at times. Babies who are breastfed often have loose stools, but the stools of newborns who are fed formula tend to be a little bit more solid.
On the other hand, you’ll probably get diarrhea more frequently, and it will be loose and watery, and it might even smell bad. Because diarrhea can cause dehydration, it is essential to be aware of the symptoms to prevent future difficulties with one’s health.
Bloody Stools
Because of the creation of tiny ulcers within the gastrointestinal tract, infants with food intolerances or food allergies may have bloody feces. The appearance of bloody stools can be rather shocking for a child’s parents.
On the other hand, the treatment is straightforward whenever an intolerance or an allergy causes the problem. If a mother is breastfeeding her child, she may be advised to abstain from dairy products, or her child may be given hypoallergenic formula as an alternative.
It is essential to be aware that around half of the infants allergic to the protein found in cow’s milk may also be allergic to the protein found in soy. Therefore, it is suggested that a nursing mother abstain from soy and dairy products or switch to a formula that does not contain soy if the symptoms of her infant do not improve.
Another symptom that your infant may not be able to tolerate the protein in cow’s milk is if they have constipation. Your kid may suffer from constipation if the stools they pass are in the form of hard balls or little pellets. A hypoallergenic baby formula could be of assistance.
Respiratory Symptoms
After feeding, if your infant develops wheezing or any other respiratory symptoms, your infant may have an allergy to cow’s milk, which requires emergency medical attention. Even if you detect a few mild respiratory symptoms, discussing the potential of an allergy or intolerance with your primary care physician or another qualified medical practitioner is vital. Sneezing, a runny nose and a chronic cough are examples of respiratory symptoms that are considered mild.
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening form of anaphylaxis, characterized by a rapid onset, systemic manifestation, and possibly lethal impact of an allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis can manifest itself in several ways, including trouble breathing, passing out, and swelling around the face.
Fortunately, an allergic reaction of this kind is not very frequent in newborns. However, if you have any reason to believe your kid is experiencing anaphylaxis, you should seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Extreme Fussiness
Extreme fussiness, often known as colic, is characterized by excessive weeping even after a baby’s most fundamental requirements have been satisfied. The infant does not appear to be hungry, exhausted, or in need of a diaper change.
Colic is clinically diagnosed when a baby cries for more than three hours per day, upwards of three days per week, and for longer than three weeks. Altering the baby’s diet or switching to a different formula may help treat colic, which can be brought on by severe gastrointestinal pain from an allergy or sensitivity to milk protein.
Itchy Rash
Rashes are a common problem in infants, with several potential causes. In people allergic to milk, rashes may occasionally be brought on by the milk protein they consume. Your infant may have a food allergy if they break out in hives after eating.
Eczema is one of the symptoms that a food allergy or intolerance might cause. Eczema is distinguished by red lumps that could itch or feel like dry, scaly skin on the baby’s face, scalp, hands, or feet.
Inadequate gaining of weight
Most infants will double their weight at birth during the first six months, then quadruple it within the first year.
Sensitivity to cow’s milk can manifest in the form of a sluggish rate of weight increase, sometimes referred to as Failure to Thrive (FTT). Problems with digestion and nutrient absorption, such as those caused by food allergy reactions, can sometimes lead to stunted growth. These problems can be caused by symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea.
Is it Safe to Use Hypoallergenic Formula?
Hypoallergenic formulas must adhere to stringent safety regulations to guarantee the best possible growth and development. These formulas must demonstrate that they do not cause reactions in at least 90% of newborns or children who have a confirmed allergy to cow’s milk to be branded as hypoallergenic.
Hypoallergenic baby formula is the only method of feeding that is risk-free for a baby who suffers from severe allergies but is not breastfed. Babies with mild allergies or intolerances to milk protein may gain from switching to a hypoallergenic formula, even without an extreme milk protein allergy.
To your baby’s discomfort, food allergies and intolerances can be a real pain in the neck. If they are not addressed, they may cause pain and anxiety, and if left untreated, they may lead to additional health concerns. When it comes to treating milk protein allergy in infants, hypoallergenic baby formula is often regarded as a therapy option that is both safe and effective.
Is it Possible for Hypoallergenic Formula Cause Allergy?
Even though there are several different formulas on the market that are branded as “hypoallergenic,” there are certain infants who may still be allergic to them. Formulas that have been partially or substantially hydrolyzed have the potential to trigger an allergic reaction in infants who suffer from food allergies. This is because the protein in these formulations has not been broken down despite being in a very small amount.
On the other side, amino acid-based formulations do not contain any genuine allergen proteins; rather, they contain amino acids, which are incapable of causing any reaction. Formulas based on amino acids have been put through rigorous clinical testing and proven to be completely hypoallergenic.
How to Choose European Hypoallergenic Formula?
Formulas for babies that are hypoallergenic are designed to make it possible to properly feed an infant who has allergies while also supporting the child’s optimal growth and development. If they are not receiving breastmilk, almost all children who have an allergy to the protein in cow’s milk will need to use a hypoallergenic formula. It is critical to inform your primary care physician at the first sign of symptoms associated with a food allergy to avoid experiencing discomfort and stifling normal growth.
Cow’s milk protein enables infants with a cow’s milk protein allergy to have uncomfortable symptoms. Standard infant formula includes cow’s milk, which comprises big protein molecules to which an allergic infant will react.
Some infants can tolerate partially hydrolyzed formulas due to their shorter protein chains. However, infants with a genuine cow’s milk protein allergy cannot tolerate this type of formula.
Most infants with a cow’s milk allergy can tolerate formulas containing extremely minute protein particles that have been extensively hydrolyzed. Babies with a strong allergy to milk proteins may be unable to absorb extensively hydrolyzed formulas and may necessitate a formula based on amino acids.
Formulas dependent on amino acids are broken down into amino acids, the basic components of protein. Since they are non-allergic, amino acid-based formulas will not produce a reaction in cow milk allergy infants.
It is essential to know that not all infants will react favorably to any hypoallergenic formula. You may need to try multiple brands before discovering one that works for your infant. The optimal hypoallergenic formula can be discovered by trial and error.
An infant with a cow’s milk allergy who converts to hypoallergenic formula will generally start to improve within 48 hours. They will exhibit reduced fussiness and colic. Other symptoms, including bloody stools and skin problems, may require up to four weeks to resolve.
After converting their newborn to a hypoallergenic formula, parents and caregivers may observe certain alterations. The formula may have a distinct hue, aroma, and bitter flavor. This is typical, as hypoallergenic formulations undergo a distinct processing procedure. Some infants, particularly older newborns, may need time to acclimate to the different flavors of hypoallergenic formula.