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HiPP Dutch – Goat Milk Formula

HiPP Dutch – Goat Milk Formula provides a nutrient-rich goat milk alternative for babies. This special formula supports your child’s healthy development with essential nutrients.

Showing all 3 results


5.00 (25 Reviews)

HiPP Dutch Goat Milk Stage 1 – Organic Infant Formula

from birth (400g)
$38.90 - $30.90

$97.25 / kg

HiPP Dutch Goat Formula Stage 1 is an organic infant formula based on goat milk, specifically designed for babies from birth onwards, providing essential nutrients…

5.00 (20 Reviews)

HiPP Dutch Goat Milk Stage 2 – Organic Follow-On Formula

from birth (400g)
$38.90 - $30.90

$97.25 / kg

HiPP Dutch Goat Formula Stage 2 is an organic follow-on formula based on goat milk, specifically designed for babies from 6 months onwards, providing essential…

5.00 (15 Reviews)

HiPP Dutch Goat Milk Stage 3 – Organic Toddler Formula

from 12 months (400g)
$38.90 - $30.90

$97.25 / kg

HiPP Dutch Goat Formula Stage 3 is an organic toddler milk for children from 10 months onwards, providing essential nutrients for healthy growth and optimal…

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