Organic Goat’s Milk Formula
Goat’s milk is a rich source of nutrients and it has a unique composition that differs from that of cow’s milk. They are easier for toddlers to digest and contains less allergenic proteins than cow’s milk – Mild in taste and rich in nutrients. Our goat milk formulas exclusively come from organic grass fed goats in Europe. The goats are kept appropriately according to bio-dynamic principles and are fed with uncontaminated diet on lush fields and meadows. This ensures a high quality of the milk used for our products.
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Use Code: LOVE15 at checkout.Holle Goat Milk Stage Pre – Organic Infant Formula
$77.25 / kg
Holle Goat Milk Stage 1 – Organic Infant Formula
$77.25 / kg
Holle Goat Milk Stage 2 – Organic Follow On Formula
$77.25 / kg
Holle Goat Milk Stage 3 – Organic Follow-On Formula
$77.25 / kg
Holle Goat Milk Stage 4 – Organic Follow-On Formula
$77.25 / kg
HiPP German Goat Milk Stage PRE – Organic Infant Formula
$94.75 / kg
HiPP German Goat Milk Stage 1 – Organic Infant Formula
$94.75 / kg
HiPP German Goat Milk Stage 2 – Organic Follow-On Formula
$94.75 / kg
HiPP German Goat Milk Stage 3 – Organic Toddler Growing-Up Formula
$94.75 / kg
HiPP Dutch Goat Milk Stage 1 – Organic Infant Formula
$97.25 / kg
HiPP Dutch Goat Milk Stage 2 – Organic Follow-On Formula
$97.25 / kg
HiPP Dutch Goat Milk Stage 3 – Organic Toddler Formula
$97.25 / kg
What is Organic Goats Milk Formula?
Goats fed only organic meals and grazed on pastures that have not been treated with fertilizers or pesticides are required to have their fresh milk processed to produce organic goat milk. Organic goat milk requires farmers and producers to engage in environmentally responsible farming techniques.
Certain infants cannot tolerate or consume cow’s milk comfortably. Formulas made from cow’s milk might cause some infants to experience constipation and excessive spitting up or vomiting. Utilizing organic goat milk is one possible option for this. The delicate digestive systems of babies can tolerate goat milk rather well.
Milk from a goat is an excellent source of various essential vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and many others.
What Are the Health Benefits of Organic Goat Milk?
Milk from goats and cows share many characteristics but also some nutritional differences. It’s possible that some of these differences, like higher amounts of certain vitamins and minerals and short- and medium-chain fatty acids, are advantageous for infants. However, there is a need for additional research in this field.
Here are some of the benefits of the use of organic goat milk formula;
Formulas are indeed fortified so that you will be assured that they contain the correct mixture of minerals and vitamins that seeks to mirror breast milk. This is done so you can be certain you are giving your child the best nutrition possible. Goat milk contains an exceptionally high concentration of calcium. Phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamin B-12, potassium, protein, and many other nutrients are brought to you by this food.
Organic qualities
When something is labelled as “organic,” it indicates that the manufacturer or farmer who produced it adhered to environmentally responsible farming techniques, such as avoiding antibiotics, hormones, and other similar substances when raising cattle and goats. Regarding the grown plants, the cultivators and producers must not have utilized any chemical or pesticide.
There are some infants who are at risk of developing an allergy to the proteins found in cow’s milk. Goat’s milk is a ‘hypoallergenic’ option for this type of product. Casein protein, also known as alpha-s1, is found in cow’s milk, and research has shown that this can have adverse consequences on infants.
Compared to breast milk, the amount of protein in goat milk is significantly higher. However, whey protein, a type of breast protein, is also something we want to look for in the milk we get from cows or goats. Baby formulae made from goat milk modify their protein composition such that it contains an equivalent amount of whey protein to that a baby would have received from being nursed.
Close pH levels to breast milk
Goat’s milk, similar to breast milk, has an alkaline pH, whereas cow’s milk has an acidic pH. Since goat milk’s pH values are closer to those of breast milk than cow’s milk, many scientists agree that goat milk is superior to cow’s milk. This is because goat milk’s pH levels assist reduce the likelihood of developing gastrointestinal infections.
Goat milk improves bone health
An advancement was seen in the amount of mineral loss caused by bone anemia after drinking goat’s milk, according to a study conducted on the subject.
Better bioavailability of iron
Compared to cow’s milk, goat milk has a higher concentration of iron, making it a better choice for infants. In addition, the body can readily and easily absorb fifty percent of it, in contrast to only thirteen percent of cow’s milk.
Anti-inflammatory properties
There have been several research investigations, and some of them have suggested that goat milk may have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, consuming goat milk helps foster the growth of “good” bacteria already in the intestines. This approach may benefit the therapy of inflammatory gastrointestinal illnesses such as colitis and others.
Boosting immune system
The presence of selenium is just one of the advantages of drinking goat’s milk! One of the minerals that helps keep the immune system functioning properly is selenium.
Helping in metabolism
There is a possibility that certain infants will have difficulty digesting and absorbing minerals and vitamins due to their limitations. Your youngster may benefit from drinking goat milk in this regard!
Comparing Goat Milk and Cow Milk Formulas
There are a lot of similarities between the milk that comes from goats and milk that comes from cows, but there are also significant nutritional differences between the two. It’s conceivable that some of these alterations, such as larger levels of certain vitamins and minerals as well as short- and medium-chain fatty acids, are beneficial for infants. One example is the increase in the amount of specific omega-3 fatty acids. On the other hand, there is a demand for more research in this particular area.
There is some evidence that goat milk formula provides sufficient amounts of a variety of vitamins, minerals, and both short- and medium-chain fatty acids. However, different researchers have come to different conclusions on the amount of protein. One study from 2019 revealed that it had less protein than cow’s milk, which the authors say is contrary to what many other studies have discovered: that it’s similar to cow’s milk.
According to the findings of a narrow but top-quality study carried out in China along with a relatively large high-quality research published in the British Journal of Nutrition, “Goat milk formula offered growth and nutritional effects in babies that did not vary from those presented by a standard whey-based cow milk formula.”
It is of the utmost importance that you see your child’s pediatrician determine whether or not they think it would be beneficial for your child to consume goat milk formula. Babies have rather particular nutritional requirements to flourish.
Unfortunately, suppose your infant suffers from a milk protein allergy. In that case, goat milk formulae are still likely to cause discomfort for them because goat milk proteins are very similar to milk proteins. However, a study conducted in 2016 discovered that some individuals allergic to cow’s milk might be able to accept goat milk formulations. If you are concerned about giving your child formula made from goat milk, you should discuss your concerns with the pediatrician caring for your child.
There is a possibility that goat milk formula could be beneficial for your child if they are only sensitive to the proteins found in cow’s milk rather than allergic to them, has only a mild intolerance to lactose (which is extremely unusual in infants), or if you have other issues regarding cow’s milk.
A study in the UK looked at the differences and similarities between the nutritional profiles of goat’s milk and cow’s milk. Lactose is a substance in the milk of all animals; however, researchers found that goat’s milk often had less lactose than cow’s milk. If your child has trouble digesting lactose, the reduced amount of lactose in this formula may help relieve some discomfort.
A study is being done that looks at the advantages of using goat milk formula in general, but more research needs to be done to determine whether or not goat milk formulas are useful for newborns who have disorders such as allergies, eczema, and acid reflux.
Compared to infant formula made from cow’s milk, goat’s milk may be easier to digest, and this may have a beneficial influence on the general health of the gastrointestinal tract.
Caution is warranted since baby formulae made from goat’s milk may have a particular flavor that some infants do not enjoy. If your infant refuses their bottle of formula regularly, you should be concerned that they may not be getting the proper amount of nourishment.
What Are You To Look for in European Organic Goat Milk Formula?
Organic and free from GMOs
If the milk is purchased from the EU, then that is preferable because you end up with stronger requirements for how animals are treated and how milk is processed. If the milk is bought from the US, the standards are lower. Organic products like Holle Formulas are among the best choices for you.
A mixture whose whey/casein ratio mimics breast milk
Protect infants against digestion problems, including constipation, gas, and pain! This can be achieved by having a ratio of whey to casein comparable to breast milk. Because human breast milk has a higher proportion of whey than casein, and goat milk has a considerably higher proportion of whey, infant formula must contain goat whey protein.
In comparison, the lactose found in human breast milk is more than one and a half times that of goat milk. To fulfill the requirements of infants, it is necessary for goat’s milk formula also to contain carbohydrates.
DHA/ARA and Prebiotics
Proper growth and development, as well as the support of the immune system, are the goals of adding DHA/ARA and prebiotics.
What Are the Ingredients to Avoid in European Organic Goat Milk Formula?
Synthetic DHA and ARA
Both DHA and ARA are found in their natural state in breast milk. After being included in a recipe, it is frequently removed with hexane. It is preferable to use DHA and ARA, which were obtained through a separate extraction procedure.
Look for formulations that have received a non-GMO certification. When you buy an organic product, you can rest assured that it does not contain any GMO ingredients. It is disturbing that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are crops that have been genetically engineered to be tolerant to the herbicides glyphosate and roundup, the residues of which can be found in food.
This component is prohibited in any recipes in the United States, even though it is prohibited in Europe. It is well established that this factor contributes to inflammation in the intestines.
Soy products
When administered in excessive amounts to infants, soy can cause future health problems for the recipient.
Palm oil
In the United States, most recipes call for palm oil. It is not good for the environment, and it may give some infants intestinal problems.
What Are the Best European Organic Goats Milk Formula?
Milk from goats is an excellent source of a variety of nutrients, and its chemical makeup is distinctive compared to milk from cows. They have a mild flavor, are packed with nutrients, and are easier for toddlers to digest. Cow’s milk includes more allergic proteins than soy or rice milk.
Our goat milk products are sourced solely from grass-fed organic goats in Europe. The goats are cared for acceptably following the principles of biodynamics and are fed an uncontaminated diet while foraging in beautiful fields and meadows. This ensures that the milk that goes into our products is of very high quality.
Here are some of the organic goat milk formulas offered at Babys Best Food;
Holle Goat Milk Formula
Depending on your child’s requirements, the Holle Goat Stage 1 through 3 infant formula made from organic goat milk may be an excellent option to consider. It is organic, but it does not have a whey-casein ratio that is comparable to breast milk. I have read that casein proteins might cause newborns to experience constipation; therefore, this option may be more likely to cause constipation than the other choices on this list. In addition, it does not contain any prebiotics, probiotics, or maltodextrin.
HiPP Goat Milk Formula
The HiPP Organic Goat Formula was developed with the express purpose of assisting in the fulfillment of your infant’s dietary requirements and being simple for them to digest. The recipe calls for solely A2 beta-casein and excludes any protein containing A1 beta-casein of any kind (which is related to causing discomfort associated with lactose intolerance.) It is completely organic, free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and rich in essential vitamins such as A, C, and D. Additionally, it contains DHA.
Why Goat Milk Formula?
Goats are one of our oldest domesticated animals, and one of our most valued – mainly for their milk. Goat’s milk has become increasingly popular again as a suitable alternative to cow’s milk. That’s why, apart from the Cow Milk Formulas made from precious Demeter cow’s milk, we are also offering infant formula based on goat’s milk. The Goat Milk Formulas perfectly match the nutritional needs of your baby. They provide your baby with all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs.
Goat milk formula for babies with lactose intolerance
Goat milk based organic baby formulas are getting more popular and we often hear the question if goat milk formula is better than cow milk. Goat milk naturally contains less lactose than breast milk and lactose is often blamed for tummy troubles in little ones, but it’s the primary carbohydrate source in breast milk. Goat milk provides critical nutrients that are similar to breastfeeding and which are needed to meet the child’s needs for a healthy development. Also, there is a small percentage of babies (approximately 2-3%) and children with a cow milk allergy which should drink goat based milk products instead.
Those who have children identified as having an allergy to the proteins found in cow’s milk should consider the numerous advantages that can be gained from using goat milk as the foundation for organic infant formula (CMPA).
In addition, even though you are already persuaded that giving your baby organic goat milk is a good idea, you should still talk to your child’s pediatrician to determine whether or not giving your infant goat milk is the healthiest option for your child.
There is no need for you to be concerned about not being able to obtain the nutrients that you would typically obtain from a formula made from cow’s milk. In addition to providing the same essential nutrients found in cow’s milk, goat milk also has its unique collection of nutrients that are beneficial to the health of your child in a wide variety of ways. There are various methods that can be used to prepare organic goat milk formula, as well as a variety of businesses that supply organic goat milk.
There is currently no formula on the market that can be considered perfect. Every formula has the potential to offer an advantage that is only available in others, as well as a benefit that is not available in any of the other formulae. What is most important is that you fulfill your responsibility of understanding what is optimal for your child and study more about the various alternatives available to you for your baby’s development, safety, and growth so that you can make an informed decision.